Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Promotional Mix for the Tide Racing Campaign Essay -- BTEC Business Ma

Limited time Mix for the Tide Racing Campaign There are many various ways first rate organizations advance their items. At the point when organizations join the numerous limited time techniques used to advance a particular item, they speak to the advancement blend for the item. The advancement blend is comprised of four components: publicizing, individual selling, advertising, and deals advancement. Our task was to gather five things from the special blend in one crusade. Tom Utz fills in as a sales rep for Proctor and Gamble. He works straightforwardly with the Nash Finch distributer based out of Minneapolis, MN, which possesses a few staple chains, for example, Buy N’ Save, Albertson’s and Econo Foods. Tom has some expertise in selling clothing cleanser cleansers, for example, Tide, Gain, Era, and Cheer to Nash Finch retail locations. Probably the greatest battle is selling Tide clothing cleanser in the Tide Racing effort. Promoting Promoting is a paid non-individual correspondence about an association and its items transmitted to an intended interest group through broad communications. A few models are TV, radio, papers, Internet, and post office based mail. Delegate and Gamble’s most unmistakable type of publicizing are TV advertisements. Numerous individuals don't understand the items they use are even made by Proctor and Gamble. I have gathered a Spanish direct mailing by Proctor and Gamble called â€Å"avanzando: con tu familia†, which means better living with your family. The magazine offers tips for utilizing magnificence items, for example, cleanser, make-up, antiperspirants, and toothpaste. It additionally offers guidance for selling your home and cooking tips. The finish of the immediate mailing magazine has numerous coupons for buying the things they found out about. Delegate and Gamble plans to get the purchaser to attempt t... incorporate a shirt, cap, hot wheels vehicle, water container, and even a remote control vehicle. These are generally things given by Proctor and Gamble to the retail locations so as to grab the eye of purchasers. A huge number of individuals are happy to sign their names up for an opportunity to win in a free drawing. The drawings will profit the organization since they are getting their name and item highlighted, and the store benefits since it will bait clients into the store and additional buys. This is a success win circumstance for the two players. I have discovered different things from every one of the four of the limited time blend components. Compelling limited time battles require a strong blend of things from the four components. Organizations look to locate the correct assortment from the four components, and now and again don't utilize each of the four components. Tide hustling utilizes each of the four things to advance their sponsorship with NASCAR.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Canada Essay Example For Students

Canada Essay CanadaHi my name is embed your name and Ill be expounding on Canada. Canada is the best nation on the planet and it has been casted a ballot the best nation on the planet to live in for as far back as 3 years straight by the United Nations. Canada comprises of ten areas and three domains, the most up to date regions is Nunavut. Nunavut is the place where there is the Indians (Natives). The capital of Nunavut is Iqaluit and it is situated on Baffin Island. Canada has numerous elite athletics groups in all the significant games with the exception of football. A few people say that the CFL is an expert football class however the players are for the most part NFL rejects. Our games groups for the NHL incorporate the Vancouver Canucks, Edmonton Oilers, Calgary Flames, Toronto Maple leafs, Ottawa Senators, and the Montreal Canadians. Canadas best NHL group has been the Montreal Canadians, they have won an astounding 23 Stanley Cups. Two NHL groups have left Canada since they were situated in little markets, Canada has lost the Winnipeg Jets to Phoenix and we have additionally lost the Quebec Nordiqs to Colorado. Losing NHL groups to the U.S is a developing plague since players are requesting increasingly more cash and the ticket costs are going up to suit the players requests. Another explanation that we will lose more NHL groups is that the Government tax collection on the Canadian groups, the Montreal Canadians alone have paid more assess ments in a year than all the American groups consolidated, the Government needs to let NHL groups pay less charges then they are at the present time on the off chance that anybody ever needs to see hockey in the little markets in Canada. The last explanation hockey groups are being lost to the U.S is the declining Canadian dollar and the players needing their cash in U.S reserves. I feel that Canada will lose the Senators, the Oilers, and the Flames in the following ten years. Canada likewise has two NBA groups and they are the Vancouver Grizzlies and the Toronto Raptors. They are both moderately new groups, thee Grizzlies are going to fabricate their group around Shareef Abdur-Rahim a youthful little forward and the Raptors are going to assemble their group around Vince Carter a youthful force forward. At last, Canada has two MLB (Major League Baseball) groups, the groups are the Toronto Blue Jays and the Montreal Expos. Toronto has won two World Series titles and Joe Carter hit the triumphant grand slam in the second World Series. The Montreal Expos have not been as effective as the Blue Jays yet they were first in the entire class in the 1993-1994 season yet the players took to the streets in August. I think sports have consistently been a significant piece of Canada and it generally will be. One thing I like about Canada is its multiculturalism, individuals from any nation can come to Canada and practice their religion transparently and openly. I like the Immigration arrangement since individuals can come into the nation on the off chance that they need as well and in the event that they have a valid justification. I dont like it when individuals get into the nation by sneaking in on the grounds that they should attempt to get in the legitimate manner. I think the Immigration framework is being exploited in light of the ongoing rash of boats conveying illicit vagrants. I think multiculturalism is the explanation Canada is such an incredible nation. There are various acclaimed individuals from Canada and I will educate you concerning some of them. A portion of the artists incorporate, Shania Twain, Celine Dione, The Rascalz, Bryan Adams, Corey Hart, The Bare Naked Ladies, and The Tragically Hip. A portion of the games stars incorporate, Wayne Gretzky, Dr. James Naismith (maker of ball), Owen Hart, Bret Hart, and Patrick Roy. A portion of the entertainers and on-screen characters incorporate, Michael J. Fox, Mike Myers, Jim Carey, and Pamela Anderson. .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425 , .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425 .postImageUrl , .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425 , .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425:hover , .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425:visited , .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425:active { border:0!important; } .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425:active , .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425:hover { darkness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: re lative; } .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u49ccf 8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u49ccf8aeae22e1835a6552bd92b96425:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Troy Versus Homers IlliadCanada has delivered the absolute best artists, on-screen characters, and sports figures on the planet and I think this is a pattern that is going to proceed with well into the following thousand years. I feel that its great that Canada isnt an atomic nation since that causes it so we to have less foes in light of the fact that were not an atomic danger. I feel that there are loads of generalizations about Canadas climate, TV and motion pictures depict Canada as a cool blanketed spot however it isn't so awful. Its cold in the greater part of Canada yet in a large portion of the territory that is extremely cold is uninhabited. In the mid year its hot and radiant, in the winter its cold and frigid, and in the spring its bright and rainey. I think Canada is probably the best nation to live in and I wish I could live here for an incredible remainder. . Class: Miscellaneous

Friday, August 21, 2020

Innovation and Its Positive Impact on the Society

Advancement is the procedure through which new thoughts, items and techniques are presented. This new thoughts and items are accepted to positively affect the general public. Governments from everywhere throughout the world have been urging their residents to be imaginative, particularly the youth.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Innovation and Its Positive Impact on the Society explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More In request to energize development among youngsters, governments have thought of educational programs that support advancement. We are completely urged to grasp advancements that will have the option to assist us with transforming ourselves in a positive manner. The announcement â€Å"I did nothing coincidentally, nor did any of my developments stop unintentionally, however by working hard† demonstrates that advancements just don’t happen unintentionally. Individuals try sincerely and put away a great deal of cash and tim e. Development is a procedure that requires a great deal of persistence and innovativeness. Advancement is a procedure that has good and bad times. An inventive individual never surrenders. A genuine model for this situation is Thomas Edison who concocted the light. Before creating the light, Thomas experienced a hard time. He had to try sincerely and would invest a portion of his evenings working as opposed to resting. He flopped a ton of times yet he never surrendered. He continued trying sincerely and with time he had the option to concoct the light. It was then that he concocted the now axiom where he says that he never fizzled and that he just found 10000 different ways through which a light can't work. It was through difficult work, tolerance and diligence that he had the option to concoct the light. By creating the light he had the option to change the lives of numerous individuals. Job of key doors Research has demonstrated that most organizations have issues acquiring new i tems into the market much in the wake of going through a great deal of cash in the turn of events and propelling of these items. Research has indicated that these items fizzle while in the market. A portion of these items never at any point make it to the market.Advertising Looking for exposition on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A phase entryway model is a framework that that should help move another item from a plan to the dispatch of the item. The Stage door model partitions this procedure into different exercises (stages) and choices focuses (entryways). Why and when it is utilized? The stage entryway model is utilized to deal with the dangers that are related with the improvement of new items. This is on the grounds that the item improvement and advancement process faces various dangers. It is through this model, these dangers can be evaluated. The stage entryway model additionally limits t he opportunity of something turning out badly en route. How can it work? The framework works by dealing with the dangers related with item advancement and item development. The individuals accountable for the task will assemble data expected to move the venture starting with one phase then onto the next. The data accumulated will run from monetary data to showcase data. The uses caused will increment as the venture moves starting with one phase then onto the next. Key phases of the undertaking are isolated to enable the administration to comprehend the item advancement and improvement process. The proposed item is painstakingly examined at each stage and the administration is prompted on when to prematurely end the undertaking on the off chance that it neglects to meet the set goals. This exposition on Innovation and Its Positive Impact on the Society was composed and presented by client Celia Simmons to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

How African Leaders Can Achieve Peace And Security In Africa - 825 Words

How African Leaders Can Achieve Peace And Security In Africa? (Essay Sample) Content: How African Leaders can Achieve Peace and Security in Africa Author's Name Institutional Affiliations How African Leaders can Achieve Peace and Security in Africa Baruch Spinoza once said that,"Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice." I concur. On the other hand, security can be defined as a state of being free from any kind of peril. In this essay, I give my two cents on how African leaders can ensure that peace and security is achieved and sustained in Africa. First of all, they should tackle the problem of poverty. The income and resources of most people in Africa are so inadequate that they are unable to meet their basic needs. Because of poverty, most Africans are facing starvation; and are more than willing to steal or even kill in a bid to satisfy their hunger: a hungry man is an angry man. African leaders should increase budget allocation to the agricultural sector in their respective countries; for I believe that agriculture is the foundation to any stable economy. They should boost agricultural production in their countries by increasing the area of arid and semi-arid land under irrigation; reducing the cost of farm inputs; making it easy for farmers to lease agricultural land; and encouraging agricultural extension. They should also emphasize on minimising post-harvest food loss: a lot of food is usually lost and wasted through contamination, deterioration, spoilage, and spillage. Secondly, they should address terrorism. Terrorism has claimed the lives of many Africans. Some of the terrorist groups that operate in Africa are: Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabab, and Boko Haram. The 1998 United States embassy bombing in Kenya by Al-Qaeda, and the kidnapping of 276 schoolgirls from Chibok in 2014 by Boko Haram are just but examples of acts of terrorism in Africa. In a bid to end terrorism, African leaders should beef up security along the borders of their countries; so as to prevent illegal movement of people and smuggling of arms into their countries. They should also apprehend the sympathisers and financiers of terrorist groups. Additionally, they should hunt down the leaders of terrorist groups. Thirdly, they should tackle the issue of unemployment. The high rate of unemployment among most African youth is a stimuli to lack of peace, and insecurity in most African countries. Most of the youth in Africa engage in crime because they are jobless, and thus idle: an idle mind is the devil's workshop. Therefore, the leaders should create job opportunities by investing in the sub-sectors with the greatest job creation potential for example: agriculture, manufacturing, hospitality, and retail. They should also encourage the youth to be job creators and not job seekers. They can achieve this by ensuring that the youth can easily procure loans; they can use the loans to start their own businesses and generate income from them. Furthermore, they should prevent conflicts from emerging or escalating: prevention is better than cure. Most conflicts in Africa can be linked to natural resources. Examples of some of the natural resource conflicts in Africa include: the diamond-linked conflicts in Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The main drivers of natural resource conflicts are: competition over scarce resources, poor governance of natural resources, and the tragedy of the commons. Resource scarcity can be attributed to population growth, increase in consumption rate, and environmental degradation. Therefore, on the issue of population growth, the leaders should encourage family planning so as to maintain a population which can be catered for by the available natural resources. Corruption is a big challenge when it comes to governance of most natural resources in Africa. The leaders should encourage public participation and transparency in every decision made pertaining to a given natural resource. In the case of tragedy of the commons, they should discourage open access to most, if not all, natural resources. Negotiation, mediation, or diplomacy are some of the ways they should use to resolve conflicts that have already escalated. Moreover, the leaders should bring to an end the stree...

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Importance Of The Enlightenment - 1189 Words

The 17th and 18th centuries were filled with intellectualism, new ideas, and important discoveries. These events took place during the Enlightenment; a time period where reason and logic trumped the church’s ideas. The Enlightenment sparked new ideas about the government which got people thinking and questioning their rulers. Philosophers started to point out the flaws in government that common people used to look past, and these Philosophers started to come up with ideas that would help the government improve. Although the rulers in charge at the time were not fans of what these philosophers had to say, the people started to protest these ideas and stand up for what they believe in. With these new ideas circulating, a democratic†¦show more content†¦He believed this would be a good idea due to the fact that absolute power according to him was, â€Å"bound to result in arbitrary despotism,†(Montesquieu, 6). From Montesquieu’s perspective, absolutism was not a good idea because it gave a ruler complete power and with that power, they could do good, or be completely destructive. Also, according to Rousseau, the government corrupts people and the way they think; this is because people were listening to one person and one opinion at all times. Rousseau wrote a lot about the topic of the people not having any power compared to the rulers in charge and said, â€Å"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains,†(Rousseau, n.d). Rousseau believed that people were being given no power and were restricted because they had no say in what was going on. Absolute rulers were abusing the power they were given, and a democracy where no one person has too much power would be the only way to fix the problems at hand. Also during this time, people from all backgrounds started to become interested in the idea of democracy and the natural rights that they had. The idea of natural rights came about because of Locke, a philosopher who expressed the idea that everyone was born with certain liberties. Locke claimed that â€Å"Men being†¦ by natural all free, equal, and independent, no one can be†¦ subjected to the political power of another without his own consent,†(Locke, 5). Locke believed that people were born with certainShow MoreRelated Comparing Kant and Mill Essay913 Words   |  4 Pagesthat which leads to enlightenment (in Kant’s terms) and a general understanding and certainty, as Mill would put it. The two political philosophers, while both striving to reach the same goal, ultimately achieve their goals in a different sense, and even demonstrate a slight discrepancy in what they ultimately mean to attain. 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It stressed emphasis on emotions and imagination while also helping to realize the importance of self-expression. The American Romanticism movement illustrated inspiration, bias and predominance of individuals in the nineteenth century. Romanticism has a very small amount to do with events and manners traditionally thought of as romanticRead MoreEssay on The Enlightenment1246 Words   |  5 PagesThe history of Western civilization cannot be neatly divided into precise linear sections. Instead, it must be viewed as a series of developing threads that combine, interact, and, at various intervals, take pervasive shifts. The Enlightenment of the eighteenth century was one of these paradigm historical shifts, challenging the traditional notions of authority by investing reason with the power to change the human condition for the better. This ecumenical emphasis on reason and independent thoughtRead MoreImpact Of Enlightenment On The French Revolution878 Words   |  4 PagesI agree that the Enlightenment was force for positive change in society. The Enlightenment was one was the most important intellectual movements in History, as it dominated and influenced the way people thought in Europe in the late 17th and 18t h centuries. We will look at how it ultimately influenced the American and French Revolution which is still strongly governed by these ideas and principles today. The Age of Enlightenment was a European movement emphasizing reasoning and individualism ratherRead MoreEnlightenment And The Great Awakening814 Words   |  4 Pages In the 18th century, Enlightenment and the Great Awakening changed the idea of freedom for the colonists. The Great Awakening was a time of religious revival in the colonies. Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in the 18th century which emphasized economic and political freedom. American and British tensions grew in this time period due to Britain wanting America to be under the king’s control. Enlightenment, the Great Awakening, the Founding Fathers, and different social groups changed theRead MoreBenjamin Franklin As A Representation Of The Enlightenment1571 Words   |  7 PagesRepresentation of the Enlightenment The Enlightenment was largely a rational response to the 16th and 17th century Scientific Revolution, as well as major developments in philosophical thinking, such as ideas proposed by Rene Descartes. During the Enlightenment, thinkers emphasize rational and critical ways of thinking, rather than the complete reliance on religion that had been previously accepted. In many ways, Benjamin Franklin was the human embodiment of the Age of Enlightenment. Similarly to theRead MoreCompare And Contrast : Dogen And Hakuin1419 Words   |  6 Pageskoan practice of the Rinzai School, which focused on â€Å"observing the key word†. Dogen founded the Soto school of Buddhism in Japan, which stressed silent sitting and a gradual path to enlightenment. Hakuin was a major critic of Soto Zen and believed that it was a fixation on emptiness rather than a path to enlightenment. However, Hakuin did agree with Soto s accessibility to the common people since it was more popular among lower class pe ople. Both Hakuin and Dogen were important leaders and thoughRead MoreThe Enlightenment : Main Ideas Of The Enlightenment800 Words   |  4 Pagesfreedom was another prominent theme of the Enlightenment. By this, we mean the idea that man is endowed with certain liberties or rights. These rights were believed to have been granted by God and/or nature. Enlightenment figures typically espoused ideas of equality and human dignity. The Enlightenment had individual freedom with certain unalienable rights is very much in line with the Enlightenment concept about individual freedom.In addition Enlightenment philosophers main idea was too write aboutRead MoreThe Declaration Of The Rights Of Women1237 Words   |  5 Pagesemployment, and divorce. All of these principles relate to the Enlightenment idea because she is arguing for natural rights that many women back then were not given. De Gouges emphasizes that women deserve the right to have jobs and that they can equally fulfill the responsibilities that once belonged to a man. In the end of the â€Å"Declaration of the Rights of Women† De Gouges’ mentions a marriage contract which gives proof of Enlightenment thought because she argues that women should not have to stay

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mcdonald s Supply Chain Management - 2160 Words

Introduction McDonalds is one of the world’s leading fast food chain restaurants. It account for the total of over 30,000 restaurants in over 119 countries. All these McDonalds restaurants serve around 50 million people every day. There are ups and downs in every business. Every business has to face challenges over the time. Out of those challenges, one of the major challenges faced by McDonalds was supply chain management. Supply chain management involves creating a balance between minimising wastage as well as at the same time meeting customers’ needs. Wastage is reduced by two major steps:- †¢ Accurate forecasting (product is not ordered in excess) †¢ Accurate supply control of raw material. Supply chain management involves creating†¦show more content†¦The core role of this department was to communicate with restaurant managers on a regular basis and get updates on all the local events. This team then consider these factors and make best use of supplied information to forecast likely demand of finished menu items like Big Macs using new planning and forecasting system called Manugistics. This case study will cover how McDonalds manage its supply chain through its all new management system and what benefits does this brings to them. Different Types of stock Stock can be any physical product a company buys, creates or sells. Stock can be differentiated into three different types:- Raw material- Raw materials and any ingredients used by McDonalds that will go into producing the finished product. For McDonald s, these will include the buns, beef patties, paper cups, salad ingredients and packaging. These are delivered to the restaurants between 3 and 5 times a week. The raw materials arrive together on one lorry with three sections so that each product can be stored at a suitable temperature. The three sections are: †¢ Frozen (raw materials need to be stored frozen i.e., below -18 ° Celsius) †¢ Chilled (food items which requires temperature to be below 4 ° Celsius) †¢ Ambient (items that can be stored at room temperature) Work-in-progress (WIP) Work in progress refers to stock that is used in the process of making final product by making use of raw material. For example, a Big Mac consists of bun, two beef patties,Show MoreRelatedMcdonald s Supply Chain Management Essay929 Words   |  4 PagesSupply Chain Management in the Service Industry Firms such as McDonald’s and Wallmatt, which operate in the service industry, have branches internationally and nationally. They open stores in various regions of the globe with the primary objective of providing their target client’s with seamless experiences while utilizing this opportunity to expand their business in emerging markets. Compared to manufacturing industries, intangible sales characterise service industries as they greatly rely on people’sRead MoreFood And Beverage Industry : Supply Chain Management1123 Words   |  5 PagesINTRODUCTION: - Food and beverage industry today has become one of the most competitive industries in the world. Recognizing that supply chain management is a core strategy and achieving world class performance in this strategy by developing and managing supply chains that provide flexibility, response time and delivery performance that exceed the competition is a key to survival in the food and beverage industry. The largest production sectors of food industry are brewing, milling, baking, confectioneryRead MoreBig Macs Supply Chain Success1548 Words   |  7 PagesBig Mac s supply chain success The seed of McDonald s success was sown in 1990 - six years before it started its actual operations. Sanjeev Bhar traces its supply chain management that played a vital role in its growth. About two decades ago, the QSR wouldn t have meant much to the Indian FB segment. Today, the acronym has been seamlessly absorbed in the industry lingo. McDonald s, arguably, one of the first brands that left a strong imprint on the Indian QSR history, has much to do with thisRead MoreMcdonalds Supply Chain1511 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Supply Chain is one of the critical factors for the smooth functioning of any business in the world. When talking about fast food restaurant or business, McDonald’s Supply Chain model is one of the highest precisions. It is this unmatched Supply Chain Structure, which not just ensures on time delivery of raw materials and supplies to McDonalds but also enables it to cut down on its cost and maximize profitability along with maintaining highest quality standards of its products. FromRead MoreOperations Management for Mcdonald963 Words   |  4 Pages[pic] University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Bachelor of Science Operations Management Pre course assignment Intake: BSc14L Student Name: Wu Linlin Student Number: 10287698 Lecturer: Professor Brian Fynes Dr. Chang Chen Sheng Date of Submission: 21 February 2012 For the fast food chains, it is no doubt that McDonald s is successful in the world. It is known to all from children to elder. This is closely relevant to organizationRead MoreCompare the Quality Management of Mcdonalds Restaurants and Kentucky Fried Chicken1240 Words   |  5 PagesA) The Management of internal culture, morale and development of staff As business evolves and customer service standards are set ever higher, it is no longer possible for the training of frontline staff to concentrate solely on providing specific skill sets or outlining required practices in the workplace. Nowadays, employees must also be shown how to develop the desired mindset, so that they can then be trusted to use their initiative when solving problems and interacting with clients. BothRead MoreStudy The Internal Resources, Capabilities, And Activities Of Firms993 Words   |  4 Pageshow that firm is realizing its competitive advantage(s) in the industry through these three factors. This information can then by utilized by the firm itself to continue to build on these competencies and continue to develop them into higher levels of competitive advantage. Other firms can exploit this information to imitate or perfect this company’s advantages for itself. Discussion Question 4.2 Conduct a value chain analysis for McDonald s. What are its primary activities? What are its supportRead MoreProduct Life Cycle : A Product857 Words   |  4 PagesProduct Life Cycle – Stage of decline The Stage of Decline is the final stage of the Product of Life Cycle. Which is if the product is not making money or the expenses are more than the profits, they pull the product. (Product of Life, 2011) McDonald s SWOT analysis 2016 Being one of the most favorite fast food places in the world, McDonald’s is a brand which will hardly can be missed by anyone. The SWOT of McDonald’s discusses the reasons that the firm has been able to achieve this height ofRead MoreAnalysing Mc Donald’s Supply Chain Management1742 Words   |  7 PagesSupply Chain Management according to Tom Mc Guffog is Maximising added value and reducing total cost across the entire trading process through focusing on speed and certainty of response to the market. Supply chain management is one of the important area which requiring strategic planning in a business enterprise. Planning and decision making are required right from the production of goods till the goods reach the ultimate consumers in the most cost effective and timely manner. If a firm is ableRead MoreFast Food : A Policy Guide For Healthier Kids And Families982 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Location is a critical aspect of all operation management process. The driving forces of location are market economics, communication, supply chain efficiency, government restrictions, material flow, and labor (Heizer Render, 2014, p332). By analyzing OM in the News articles China’s New Megacities and Industry Clustering, Where to Locate the Next McDonalds–in Your Hospital, Using Malaysia to Balance Supply Chain Disruptions, and Airbus Over Alabama it will make it possible to understand

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Australia Had To Consider Interpretation â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Australia Had To Consider Interpretation? Answer: Introducation In this case the federal court of Australia had to consider the interpretation of the duty of care and diligence which the directors owe toward their companies under the provisions of section 180(1) of the Corporation Act 2001 (Cth) (CA). The judges in this case had to determine whether two directors who were also the only shareholders of the company can be held liable for providing detrimental financial advice to the clients of the company in relation to section 180(1) of the CA. In this case Storm Financial Limited (Storm) were the defendants and the Australian Securities and Investment Commission were the plaintiff. Storm held an Australian financial services license and indulged in providing financial services to clients on the basis of a model which had been developed by one of its directors. The model provided for borrowing of the clients against the equity they had in their homes, so that they could obtain a margin loan through the use of such funds in order to make an investm ent in index funds along with the establishment of a cash reserve[1]. The court had to determine whether such actions indulged into by the directors accounted to the breach of duty under Section 180(1) of the CA[2]. Applicable law The major law which was applicable in relation to this case is Section 180(1) of the CA. According to the section a director or any other officer of the company has to discharge their duties and use their powers through the application of appropriate level of care and diligence which would have been implemented by a reasonable person if they were in the shoes of the directors or officers of the company. The section further reads that for the contravention of this section civil penalties prescribed by section 1317E of the CA are applicable[3]. Submissions made by the parties The directors of Storm made a submission before the court that the model used by the company was viable and the contraventions made by the company could not be foreseen by a reasonable person. The various submission made by them on this issue consisted that the company that many professionals which included lawyers and financial advisers had been advised by the company. It was also submitted by the company that they had been subjected to review by ASIC, Compliance professionals along with its non executive directors. Reliance was also made b y the directors to the fact that during the ten years of its history the financial index off the company had never fallen. It was also submitted by them that the only real reason for the failure of the model was the Black Swan event namely GFC. However it was not alleged by the ASIC that there was a flaw in the model used by the company if it could have been considered as aggressive. The submission made by the ASIC related to contravention relate d to the model only to the extent it included a particular class of people. The ASIC submitted that the duty under 180(1) was breached by storm. It was provided by the ASIC that the duties had been breached by the directors when the company was solvent, the two directors were the only shareholders and directors of the company and there was no dispute in relation to the management. Other issues which were adjudged by the court in relation to this case are whether an actual breach on the part of the directors was needed to contravene the provisions of section 180. The claim made by ASIC was based on the fact that the directors had actually breached the provisions of the CA as a stepping stone towards section 1801(1). The court expressed that there was serious doubt on the submission that an actual breach was mandatory to constitute the contravention of section 180(1) however the proceedings of the courts have been done on this basis. Thus the submission of the ASIC had been rejected by the court which stated that the actual breach by directors was necessary to contravene section 180(1) of the CA. It was submitted by the directors of storm that the duties existing under section 180(1) were solely owed to the company. To the contrary it was submitted by the ASIC that the a norm of conduct is prescribed by the s180(1) which is different from the benefit of the corporation so the duty extends to the world at large. The submissions of the directors had been accepted by the court, however it noted that the interest of the corporation must not be interpreted in a narrow manner and thus must not be restricted to the interest of the shareholders alone and in addition not only financial losses but reputational damages are also considered as losses for the corporation. It was in addition submitted by the director that a director who is the only owner of the corporation is not liable to the contravention of section 180(1) of the CA. the basis of the submission was that the shareholders and the directors have the sole right to determine the risk the corporation should take in order to make profits. The directors submitted that sole directs cannot breach section 180(1) as it is implied that the ratification of the act can be done by the directors where they are the only shareholders. The submission of the directors in relation to this point had been rejected by the court. The court in relation to the submission ruled that such submission cannot be supported as per the wordings and context of s180 (1) of the CA, and thus could not be authorized. Acts which are not consistence with the CA may be authorized by the shareholders but they have no power to ratify them. Decision of the court: It was found by the court that directors of storm had contravened the duty owed by them under section 180(1) of the CA. The assertion of the court was based on the fact that a reasonable director in the same circumstances would have been aware that the sections of the CA would be contravened in the given situation and would bring detrimental consequences for the company. The test as provided by section 180 (1) of CA was applied by the court to determine whether reasonable care had been exercised by the directors in relation to the discharge of their duties. it was provided by the court that in order to properly implement the test all circumstances related to the cases have to be taken into consideration which included the foresee ability of the risk of harm with respect to the interest of the company, the degree of the harm the benefits arising out of the directors conduct and the burden imposed on the company to mitigate the foreseeable harm. It was found by the court that the Corporation Act had been breached by the directors of storm as they provided financial services in accordance to the model in context to clients of a vulnerable category which had been highlighted by the ASIC and this can be said because: A director who would have acted reasonably in the same circumstances which the company was in, along with considering the duties of the existing directors of storm would have had the knowledge that it is very likely that the sections of the CA would be breached if he or she used his or her powers to permit or cause the model provided by storm to be made applicable on the clients who were pleaded in class by the ASIC and specifically those investors who neared retirement or retired with limited assets and income. It was provided by the court that the breach which the company was alleged with was not only foreseeable but any reasonable director in the place of the existing directors would have considered them as most likely. It was further analyzed by the court that the conduct which the directors indulged in was a singular breach of each of their duties and not many breaches consistent with the count of investors who made up the classes of vulnerable investors. It was further conceded by the ASIC that only one breach had been made by both the directors. It was considered by the court that although the directors acted honestly, and had a genuine views that genuinely held the view that capital loss could never occur with index fund investment in the Storm model, it would not be possible for them to evade the liability under section 1317s of the CA as they had significant roles to play in the company along with seriousness of contraventions of the storms. The issue of liability had only been dealt with so far by the judges in relation to this case and further proceedings would be held in order to determine the liabilities of the directors. The case signified that the directors of the company which is solvent and where they are only shareholders are liable to breach the duty of care and diligence if their actions contravene the provisions of CA. It is further provided by section 136(3) that a special resolution would not have any effect if the constitution of the company has a further requirement which has to be satisfied in order to modify or repeal the term. In addition section 136(3) states that the further requirement as described in 136(3) can also be modified but only if the requirement is complied with[5]. Section 232 to 234 of the CA deal with operative conduct of affairs directors of the company. As provided by section 232 the court has authority to provide any order with respect to Section 233 in case the activities in relation to the company or a proposed or actual actor omission or a proposed or actual resolution by the company members is either detrimental to the benefits of the members of the company as a whole or unfairly prejudicial oppressive or discriminatory with respect to a member or members within any capacity[6]. What is actually an affair of a body corporate is defined in section 53 of the CA. The section can be summarized by stating that any actions taken in relation to the company can be deemed as affair of the company[7]. Section 233 of the CA states that any order can be made by the court in relation to circumstances provided under section 232 which may include the winding of a company, modification for repairing the existing constitution of the company, restraining and director from engaging a specified act, on providing orders requiring a person to do a specified act[8]. As provided by section 234 of the CA any member of the company holding in shares is eligible to obtain order under section 233 even if such member in certain circumstances have ceased to be the member of the company[9]. Application: The constitution of Koala through its close 9k provides that Kenny, Keith, Khalid and Kylie has to be the directors of the company at all times. A provision of the Constitution of a company can only be changed through the passing of the special resolution. A special resolution is passed by two third majority of the total members. In this particular case where there are four directors the directors other than Kanye have the power to pass a special resolution. In addition, according to the provisions of section 136(3)of the CA even a special resolution is not valid if an existing provision of the Constitution is not complied with. Therefore as the constitution of Kuala provides that all for directors have to be the directors of the company all the time. The other the directors do not have the power to remove Kanye from her position as Clause 9k clearly states that the four must be the directors of Koala all the time. In addition the actions which the directors are indulging in to raise the capital of the company and not Kanye the opportunity to be a part of such raise can be seen as oppressive action on the part of the other three directors with respect Kanye. This action is set to provide the other three directors an increased shares in the company which would lead to proving them increased control over the affairs of the company. They also had the duty to consult Kanye while such decision was being made as all executive directors of a corporation has the right to be consulted. Another operation action which has been identified in this scenario is that the other three directors have suspended providing dividend on shares and increased their salaries. This action taken by the directors can bring significant detriment to the position of Kanye as a shareholder of the company as not only would Kanye be able to receive dividends with respect to the profit made by the company, the best interest of the company would also not be ensured as the other three would charge a high remuneration. Conclusion Thus, in the given circumstances Kanye has the right to bring and action against the other three directors for a legal amendment of the constitution in relation to section 136(3), along with action for oppressive conduct against members under section 233 of the CA A director is a person who is entrusted to take care of the functions of a corporation. They are impossible several rights and responsibilities in Australia through the Corporation Act. In relation to this particular scenario three specific duties of directors as provided to Section 181 to 183 of the CA are discussed in this section along with a few case law examples setting out actions of directorsin relation to a company. Section 181 of the CA clearly sets out that the actions of the directors towards the Corporation must be in good faith and to ensure best interest of the corporation. The duty of best interest is interpreted by the court in broad aspect. The directors must always be honest towards organization they are managing and their actions should always be streamlined towards ensuring the best possible result for the company[10]. Section 182 of the CA expressly sets out that no director of the company has right to use the position they are in in such a way so as to bring detriment to the existing company. Is there is any conflict of interest it is the duty of the directors to always inform the other directors about such interest and to give priority to the benefits of the company over personal benefits. The duty not to use the position in an in proper way can be contravened by the directors even if they did not have the intention to do so[11]. As provided by section 183 of the CA any information which the directors of the company can access and relation to that company should not be used by them to give any personal benefit at the cost of the company[12]. As provided by the case of ASIC v Vizard[13] the director who used the confidential information obtained from the organization managed by him Contravened section 183, 182 and 181 of the CA. This was because the information was used improperly to gain personal benefits at the cost of the company. In the case of Cassegrain v Gerard Cassegrain Co Pty Ltd[14]it was found by the Court that the directors of the company violated the duty to act in its best interest and not to use position information in in in proper way by selling the shares of the company at a low cost to their wife and daughter respectively. It has been provided by the scenario that two out of four directors of Koala namely Keith and Kylie have taken the initiative to form a new company named Koala 2. The new company is dealing with one of the same products which is dealt by Koala. They decided to sell souvenirs which was also sold by Koala into the foreign markets by purchasing it from the local and making massive profits. As the directors of Koala it was the duty of Keith and Kylie to acting the best interest of Koala. In the circumstances the best interest of Koala would have been insured is both the directors would have taken the initiatives to sell the souvenirs in the foreign market under the name of Koala. However such actions were not taken by them and therefore the duty to act in the best interest of the company provided to Section 181 of the CA was violated by them. In addition they also used the position and information they gained access to as the directors of Koala. If they would not have been the directors of Koala they would not have had the information about selling such souvenirs which was related to the business of Koala into the foreign markets. Thus it can be provided that Keith and Kylie have violated section 182 and 183 of the CA by making improper use of position and information of the company As discussSubmissions made by the partiesed in the cases above under no circumstances can the directors act in such a way which would bring detriment to the company for personal benefits. The actions which have been indulged into by Keith and Kylie of opening a new company under the name of Koala 2 is deemed to bring detriment to Koala as it would not be able to make the profit it is entitled to. Therefore Kanye or Khalid can bring actions against Keith and Kylie for the breach of section 181 to 183 of the CA. The bridges of this section results in civil penalties as provided under section 1317 E of the CA. Criminal penalties are also applicable to these sections if it is found that the directors were fraudulent or reckless towards reaching the provisions of section References ASIC vStephen WilliamVizard[2005] FCA 1037 Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) v Cassimatis (No. 8) [2016] FCA 1023 Cassegrain v Gerard Cassegrain Co Pty Ltd [2015] HCA 2 Corporation Act 2001 (Cth)

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Social Policy Essays Community Poker Money Essay Example

Social Policy Essays Community Poker Money Essay Community Poker Money In this thesis I will research the relationship between the human life style on a daily footing within a societal community and the of all time going more popular card game Poker. Prima facie this would look a eccentric field of survey, nevertheless the two are more integrally linked than most people realise or know. The inquiries that I wanted replying were ; what is the impact of societal psychological science in fire hook and our lives? Within the little community of Durham is at that place a mixture of societal scenes that are united by fire hook? When money is involved is at that place a community within fire hook or is it merely everyman for himself? Equally good as look intoing other facets of sociology that lead to a greater apprehension of fire hook and life scheme through sociological reasoning’s and theories. There are several good known and celebrated sociologists that have dedicated advanced research into this field including Erving Goffman, Kenneth Burke, Herbert Blumer and George Herbert Mead, amongst many others, all supplying cardinal research and findings in a field that over 100 million people are take parting in worldwide. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Policy Essays Community Poker Money specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Social Policy Essays Community Poker Money specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Social Policy Essays Community Poker Money specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Get aid with your essay from our adept essay authors Equally of import as these cardinal minds are, and non merely in footings of work done in the field of chancing and hazard, but besides in the wider context of the work they have dedicated themselves to for the benefit of society, to understand and appreciate the attempts they have been involved in within gaming, you must cognize, approximately, what fire hook is and where is comes from. The exact history of fire hook is slightly bleary, it would look that over the old ages several different card games from around the Earth have all had an impact on doing what we now call fire hook, though the game is clearly an merger of the Gallic game ‘poque’ , which itself was a descendent from the German card game ‘pochen’ and it has besides been cited that the English game crow had some influence, though that itself was clearly taken from the Gallic game ‘brelan’ . It has besides been considered that the Irish card game ‘poca’ had a peculiarly big predomination over what it is we play today. However it is non merely Europe that can claim celebrity for the now enormously popular hybrid, America besides has rights as it has been stated that around 1830 the frontier innovators were already playing a game really similar to the modern twenty-four hours equivalent of fire hook, it was particularly popular on the Mississippi river boats, where gaming was considered a past clip. It is besides the American’s who made the game so huge and widespread, praise acclaiming from the US military for its dispersion of the game across Asia. However the beginning of the playing card, although they have changed dramatically are said to hold come into being in China around 1120 AD. However the cards that we are more familiar with today are of Gallic beginning, with a sociological category turn. The four suits are said to picture the four categories of work forces, spades peers aristocracy, diamonds peers merchandisers, nines equals pro vincials and Black Marias equals the clergy. Poker has besides had more of an impact on people’s lives than they know, even without playing or cognizing about the game, the life style and nomenclature that revolves around the game is now portion of mundane life. Phrases that most people use even without believing about it frequently originate from fire hook, for illustration. It is non merely in fire hook that people talk about a ‘poker face’ or how frequently have you heard the phrase ‘got an one up my sleeve’ or ‘let’s up the ante’ , these all originate from fire hook and they are merely a choice few from 100s. Poker in the last five to ten old ages has undergone a immense draw over of involvement. From what one time was a reasonably quiet community, largely popular with older work forces playing ‘home games’of fire hook, it has radicalised and turned into a worldwide phenomenon pulling in over 100 million people wo rldwide. There are now poker telecasting shows, fire hook related vesture, 100s of fire hook on-line cyberspace webs for playing online and the chief competition for fire hook, known as the WSOP ( World Series of Poker ) went from holding 839 entrants in the chief event of No Limit Texas Hold’em in 2003 to holding 8,773 in 2006, a immense sedimentation in the infinite of three old ages, with the victor gaining over a million dollars in award money. One of the chief grounds why fire hook has become so unbelievably popular in such a short sum of clip has to be due to the undeniable handiness of it today. Both the monolithic addition in the engineering provided in agencies of the Internet but besides telecasting. Poker has become about a standard family telecasting show since the innovation of the new fire hook tabular arraies. The new tabular arraies have glass panels in the tabular array positioned where each participant sits ; under these panels are little cameras. The thought so is that for each manus of fire hook played the camera can see and relay back to the telecasting what manus it is that each participant holds. This may sound simple, and it is, but it works surprisingly good, and creates another dimension to watching fire hook instead than take parting. Basically this engineering means that you can see the true kineticss of all the custodies and understand the action a batch better, as it unfolds. It has publicised and revolutionised fire hook in a telecasting sphere that it now is the 3rd most watched athletics on overseas telegram telecasting in the United States of America. Third merely to auto racing and American football ( NFL ) severally, but even trumping the extremely acclaimed hoops conference, the NBA ( National Basketball Association ) . There are even several fire hook channels, dedicated to merely demoing fire hook action round the clock across the USA and Europe. Though of class this is merely one of many progresss in engineering that has progressed and infiltrated fire hook into our mundane lives, another medium is of class, the immense impact of the Internet which has evidently had huge impacts on the fire hook universe. The on-line fire hook economic system has neer been flusher and does by far possess the largest part of the on-line chancing market, which last twelvemonth was reported to hold had worldwide grosss in surplus of $ 15 billion in 2006, estimated to lift to around $ 2 0 billion this twelvemonth. Poker has even branched out into reasonably improbable mediums such as wireless, where it really works apparently good. An illustration of the influence the Internet has had in the fire hook universe has been demonstrated several times over the past few old ages, though most unforgettably nevertheless in 2003 where a center aged, competently named adult male won the World Series of Poker. Chris Moneymaker found his manner into the much coveted tourney, that normally incurs a $ 10,000 buy-in. However for merely $ 39 on an on-line fire hook web site, PokerStars online card room, Moneymaker managed to last right to the terminal and turned his $ 39 into $ 2.5 million, all from playing at place on the cyberspace. In fact many people have credited the fire hook roar to Moneymaker, as he was the first individual to portray the pipe dream that so many people had. More late nevertheless, there has been a more amazing effort in the fire hook universe, in the 2007 W SOP the much heralded expansive award victor was non one of the all clip celebrated professionals that has played fire hook for the past 25 old ages of their life but a 19 twelvemonth old Scandinavian miss called Annette Obrestad. As if those few inside informations weren’t perplexing plenty, this tourney was besides the first clip that she had played unrecorded fire hook, up against some of the greatest participants of all clip, and directing them place with nil but a narrative. However it must be noted that it was non without accomplishment, Annette who won a cheerful $ 2 million at the tourney, although non holding any old experience of unrecorded fire hook did hold net incomes of up to $ 800,000 in on-line fire hook tourneies. However the recognition must travel to the immature Scandinavian, whose win has been stated as a â€Å"startling milestone† . Professional fire hook participant Howard Lederer, besides known as ‘the professor’ commented on the ha ndiness of fire hook today as: â€Å"When I started out it took old ages of difficult swot at the tabular array to acquire good. Now the acquisition curve is much steeper† . It is frequently said in fire hook that while Texas Hold’em, the most popular version of fire hook today, may take merely proceedingss to larn, but it takes a life-time to maestro. However it did non all used to be such a glam past clip. Indeed non so long ago fire hook as a profession was looked down upon, even one of the greatest all clip fire hook participants to day of the month Daniel Negreanu joked that for some old ages his female parent ever told people he was an comptroller. However, evidently as the fire hook roar has taken the universe by storm even America’s Department of Labour has given poker a ‘thumbs up’ in the component of accomplishment that is involved, by last twelvemonth recognizing ‘professional fire hook player’ as an official business. This b eing so due to the component of accomplishment that is involved, although the Courts still view fire hook as a game of opportunity, which has obvious deductions. The accomplishment versus opportunity argument is an old one, with many people shacking with each side, and even as the professional fire hook participant Howard Lederer concedes it is so difficult to reason that a professional will prevail over an amateur in any given manus. However there is plentifulness of converting grounds that in the long tally, accomplishment will predominate and the professional will win. Lederer believes that the accomplishment is in the betting, which is compounded with the grounds that you can win without keeping the best manus, the common bluff. The instance that accomplishment in the long tally will predominate is besides obviously made deliberately clear in the aforesaid movie ‘Rounders’ . On the chief character being questioned as to why he plays this game, when it clearly has ca rdinal engagement with your fiscal state of affairss, his reply is one frequently heard around the card tabular array today. He is asked the inquiry by his girlfriend who evidently is worried about chancing and losing money, particularly as at the start of the movie the chief character loses all his money in one manus of No Limit Texas Hold’em. The rejoinder is this ; â€Å"Why does this still seem like chancing to you? Why do you believe the same five cats make it to the concluding tabular array of the World Series of Poker every twelvemonth? What are they, the luckiest cat in Las Vegas? It’s a accomplishment game.† This is a clear message to the spectator but non so subtly delivered. Another all clip great fire hook participant, Thomas Austin Preston, or better known as Amarillo Slim takes a similar stance to that of all professional fire hook participants and besides believes that accomplishment will predominate, but decides that it is a good thing that the skill factor can be limited at times to pure opportunity and fortune, he explains in his autobiography, ‘Amarillo Slim in a universe full of fat people’ that ; â€Å"All you can make is do the dramas that have a per centum of success and set yourself in a place to win. But that doesn’t mean that if you start with AA and your opposition starts with 22 that he isn’t traveling to crush you sometimes. If that were the instance, you wouldn’t be able to acquire them chumps to maintain coming back. In the long tally, accomplishment will prevail.† What some professional fire hook participants will hold on, likely, is that there is a certain sum of short-run fortune involved in fire hook, as Amarillo Slim provinces ; â€Å"It’s non like cheat, where the best participants win all the clip. In fact, at the 2002 World Series of Poker, of the 631 entries, there were 13 former universe title-holders, including me and Doyle ( Brunson ) , and non one made it to the concluding 45 participants. If that doesn’t state you that there’s short-run fortune in fire hook ( the tourney merely lasts five yearss ) , so I don’t cognize what does.† An easy manner to explicate why this is so can be shown through the simpleness of tossing a coin, the same as how Goffman explains ‘strategic interactionism’ in his reader ‘Where The Action Is’ . A construct that you must invariably see is that statistics do non ever have a practical application to human life, they are non ever pertinent. It becomes more clear when you think that the theory of chance becomes more meaningful the more times you participate in a game of opportunity. If you are merely covering with a little figure of tests so your consequences a prone to being slightly erroneous. So when tossing a coin, if you flip it twice, so the general premise is that it will set down caputs one time and tails one time, nevertheless the truth is that the consequences are more complicated than this. The tabular array below shows the results: Consequence Probability of Result HH 25 % Terrestrial time 25 % HT 25 % Thursday 25 % To happen out the opportunities of a assorted consequence ( HT or TH ) you merely add the two chances together. As you can see the tabular array indicates that you are merely every bit likely to set down on a assorted consequence than you are non-mixed. Each holding a even opportunity of happening. However if we now double the sum of times the coin is flipped, we can see that the odds of a even consequence alteration. Consequences Probability of Result HHHH 6.25 % HHHT 6.25 % HHTH 6.25 % HHTT 6.25 % HTHH 6.25 % HTHT 6.25 % HTTH 6.25 % HTTT 6.25 % THHH 6.25 % THHT 6.25 % THTH 6.25 % THTT 6.25 % TTHH 6.25 % TTHT 6.25 % TTTH 6.25 % TTTT 6.25 % The manner that they have changed is that the odds of now acquiring a even consequence have really fallen to 37.5 % , but, and this is highly of import, the opportunities of acquiring a consequence closer to the expected result, being even, have in fact greatly increased. In the first test the odds at acquiring all caputs or all dress suits were even money, nevertheless when the tests are doubled, those odds fall to 12.5 % . Below are the consequences of a test of a coin being flipped 50 times: TTHHHTHTHHHHTHTHHHHHTTH TTTHTHTTTTHHTHHTTTTHHHTTHTT Here there are 25 caputs and 25 dress suits, a perfect consequence, but had we merely flipped the coin twice we would hold got an untrue consequence of two dress suits. Besides, out of the first 20 somersaults, 14s were caputs. If you spent your whole life tossing a coin, you would happen that it landed on caputs 50 per centum of the clip, toss it merely twice nevertheless and you have merely a one in two opportunity at geting at the same consequence. Basically this demonstrates that the more opportunities you take, and the more custodies you play, the more likely it is that the Numberss will keep true, but in a short period, anything can go on. So has fire hook had the last of its bad imperativeness? Well non wholly, although some people have been inexorable that all along fire hook should be embraced, even the universe celebrated literary icon Mark Twain one time said: There are few things that are so inexcusably neglected in our state as poker†¦it is adequate to do one ashamed of one’s species† . Possibly this is slightly of a strong, possibly excessively combative, but however depicts the frame of head that some people do hold about the game. Poker is a wondrous infective game, a fact that non many people understand why this is. If you think about the signifier of fire hook at its simplest degree, with two people playing against each other with no 3rd party intercession like a casino to take any net income so the game is one of a zero-sum nature, when one participant loses another additions, simple. However fire hook has a batch to make with chance and when you add this into the cocktail so there are some really interesting results. Technically if two people were to play against each other, once more with no intercession, and drama for infinity so the Torahs of chance province that both participants will finally have the same custodies, in the same state of affairss, the same sum of times. This being so so the additions and losingss will equilibrate out therefore organizing equilibrium. So, how do you do money from playing fire hook so? The reply is where the art of fire hook is introduced, if you can out believe and out smart your opposition and drama with a better scheme than him so you will win. As the journalist Andy Bellin provinces: â€Å"Claiming a pot when you have the best cards isn’t plenty to do you a winning participant. Remember, there is no expansive wage graduated table for keeping the best hand†¦some chump has to pay you off. You have to maximize net incomes through craft and understanding, eke out every last dollar that your competition is willing to lose to you, and when you don’t holding the winning cards, flee every bit fast as possible† . First, it is of primary importance to see the work of Erving Goffman, most normally known for his work in symbolic interactionism and for his widely acclaimed work ‘The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life’ . The work that is of rule importance by Goffman in concurrence with fire hook is his work on ‘strategic interaction’in peculiar his combined essays that formed his findings on chancing which he subsequently called ‘Where the Action Is’ . Often included in chancing readers and besides referenced to the sociology of hazard within chancing. Goffman sculpts a clear and definite word picture of the true logistics behind gaming by utilizing a simple platform of fliping a coin. Although simple, this theoretical account consists of all the qualities that chancing, in all its signifiers, holds imperative to the game. This works for fire hook as both a scientific discipline and a doctrine. If you toss a coin the opportunities of it being caputs is ev en. But the inquiry is will it? The scientific nature of fire hook is to understand the chance, which is clearly derived from mathematics and scientific discipline, but accepting this theory would ever look to fall down to faith. The nature of the statement is that chance theory is merely an ever-present phenomenon that governs all things related to opportunity. Although mathematicians can, and do, accept it they can non turn out it. The simple cape of the point is that anything that has a opportunity of go oning will at some phase go on. Despite the, what would look simpleness of ‘Where the Action Is’ it has even become non merely a nucleus text in this field of the societal scientific disciplines but besides as a cardinal rudimentss theory book for fire hook. Indeed one of the most outstanding fire hook phrases that is known worldwide is frequently associated with Goffman’s work, it was famously said by Karl ‘Papa’ Wallenda. The celebrated words merely one time uttered by the stuntman were: â€Å"Life is being on the wire, everything else is merely waiting† The phrase as aforementioned is limpidly known through fire hook circles and although has obvious intensions with Wallenda’s support, but it besides applies to poker, and is used in several chancing movies, most late in the critically acclaimed movie ‘Rounders’ . Throughout ‘Where the Action Is’ , Goffman continually analyses the difference between chancing and hazard with opportunity. There is ever traveling to be grounds of opportunity or ‘luck’ in any gambling game, including fire hook, which due to this argument there has been an of import focal point point on fire hook in recent old ages in the United States of America. Goffman assesses these differences and describes the intrinsic functionality of both. Goffman states ; â€Å"There are to be chancy state of affairss where relevant orders of humanly directed finding are involved by virtuousness of accomplishment, cognition, make bolding, doggedness, and so away. This, in fact, marks a important difference between games of ‘pure’ opportunity and what are called competitions: in the former, one time the finding is in drama, the participants can make nil but passively await the result ; in the latter, it is merely this period that requires intensive and sustained exercise of relevant capacities. None the less, it is still the instance that during competitions something of value to be staked comes up for finding ; in footings of the facts and frequently their perceptual experience as good, the intended and effectual influences are insufficiently influential to render the state of affairs unproblematic.† Goffman so breaks down the order of competitions into different stages, each of which has a different degree of the gamble associated within it. Goffman defines four stages. The first of which is thesquaring offstage, this stage is basically the bet-making stage, this is where the regulations of the gamble are drawn up and hold on to which the gamblers so pass, as Goffman unquestionably labelled it, the point of no return. The 2nd stage is thefinding stageotherwise known as the in-play stage. In fire hook this stage is the minute long continuance that it takes to cover all the cards to all, the participants, including the community cards. In this stage Goffman states that this is where â€Å"relevant causal forces actively and determinatively produce the outcome† . The following stage is known as thedisclosive stage,besides known as the revelatory stage is the clip between finding and ratting of the participants. As antecedently mentioned this stage is unquestionably brief, be ing the clip taken to cover the cards. The 4th and concluding stage is that of thecolony stage, this begins when the result has been disclosed and enduring until losingss have been paid up and profitss collected. The period required by participants to come on through the four stages has been labelled by Goffman as thespanof the drama. After analyzing the more basic basicss with his four stage theoretical account Goffman so moves on to a more elaborate analysis of chancing and what it consists of. Goffman reflects ; â€Å"a whole set of considerations may be involved: the graduated table of betting ; the length of the odds ( and whether he is giving them or acquiring them ) ; the brevity of the span of drama ; the littleness of the figure of dramas ; the rate of drama ; the per centum paid for playing ; the fluctuation of size sing awards associated with favorable results. Further, the comparative weight given each of these considerations will change markedly with the absolute value of each others.† As everyone is different the issues of character and personality are therefore included, as persons and groups have somewhat different, what Goffman labels â€Å"personal baselines† from which we measure chance and hazard. As Goffman high spots ; â€Å"A manner of life affecting much hazard may do the person to give small weight to a hazard that person else might happen forbidding.† The huge community of fire hook clearly assembles immense crowds from all over the universe. Choosing an event such as the World Series of Poker, where all different fire hook participants culminate to play against each other, shows how different each fire hook participant is. Even within smaller games, or ‘home’ games there is on show a immense array of difference non merely in fire hook ability and manner but besides category backgrounds, ethnicity and faith. The game of fire hook nevertheless requires, for you to even be marginally successful, a appreciation of a few simple regulations. These are non the playing regulations per Se but more the intrinsic nature of the game. Thought arousing thoughts such as, trust and honor. Peoples playing fire hook with one another have to measure each state of affairs and inquire themselves do they swear their resistance? Of class we are imitating trust within the game, non that the other participant is traveling to steal from you b ut are they bluffing? It is so frequently said that ‘Trust is the lubricator of Society’ and to swear person is to allow your guard down, and if there is something you don’t desire to make in fire hook it is so that. What I find interesting though is that all over the universe there are societal norms and even in different states globally there is the impression of ‘Natural Law’ , which dates back to the philosopher Aristotle, nevertheless it is most normally known by the elaborate focal point and reading that the medieval Christian doctrine of St Thomas Aquinas. Although the thought of ‘Natural Law’ today has slightly become a recessionary impression, chiefly due to the â€Å"mechanistic causation† that our society is comfy with, which is frequently portrayed this manner because we live in a post-Darwinian universe, and are accustomed to sing nature, in peculiar human nature. This anaesthetises us from, what we now view as out-of -date theoretical accounts of believing, such as holding a teleological position of the universe, as these positions are now deemed â€Å"quaintly prescientific† . Combined with the sociological thought of ‘Phenomenology’ in peculiar ‘Transcendental Phenomenology’ , which was a subdivision of phenomenology coined by Edmund Husserl, which basically explores â€Å"the brooding survey of the kernel of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view† and in peculiar in this subdivision of phenomenology is when what we experience is generalised to the indispensable characteristics of any given experience. An merger of these two could be more merely set in the function of what we call ‘social norms’ . ‘Social Norms’ are by manner of definition the â€Å"collective consciousness† of a community, or more merely put the shared values and ethical motives of society. The norms that we hold beloved and that are of indispensable value to our society evidently alteration with little, sometimes about unobtrusive niceties throughout different communities. It is here that I ask the inquiry, do these norms apply in the fire hook community when there are so many people from different backgrounds. Of class this is besides the instance in society, but the cardinal difference in society is that we are non viing against each other in the same manner that fire hook participants are. So do the fire hook participants let their intrinsic functionality of their lives change or even excite their fire hook, or is it possible that fire hook participants have, what I like to nam e a ‘Separated Performance’ degree which allows them to play with a neglect for their societal norms? This is an highly hard impression to seek and turn out or confute, as so many fire hook participants are different and within the game there are so many stereotypes. A more basic attack to this inquiry could be does the pecuniary value in fire hook alteration people and their norms. This can be easy broken down into two classs of fire hook participants, professionals and amateurs. Professionals seem to hold their ain fire hook norms that they uphold throughout their fire hook playing lives, which are cardinal to their game and if they didn’t have such a appreciation on these so fire hook, for a batch of people would non be every bit profitable as it is. Could an recreational participant truly topographic point anything up to ?1 million of their ain money into the pot on a card game, where they are non one hundred per centum positive that they will win? The reply is no. However, could a professional fire hook participant do the same, and the reply is about all the clip yes. The ground for this is the value of money that fire hook participants have. In the telecasting programme ‘High Stakes Poker’ ten professional fire hook participants play against each other in a hard currency game where some participants buy-in for $ 100,000 up to anything like $ 1 million, of their ain money. Many individual custodies of fire hook in this game can be dese rving up to $ 800,000 plus, which if you are non a fire hook participant is a batch of money, nevertheless to the participants it is merely the tool of the trade. Bibliography ‘Interactionism’ ; Paul Atkinson and William Housley, Sage publications 2003. ‘Amarillo Slim in a World full of fat people, the memoirs of the greatest gambler who of all time lived’ ; Thomas Austin Preston, Yellow Jersey Press 2003. ‘Communication in Face to Face Interaction’ ; A aggregation of selected readings edited by John Laver and Sandy Hutcheson, Penguin Modern Linguistics Readings, 1972. ‘Explaining Social Behaviour, More Nuts And Bolts For The Social Sciences’ ; Jon Elster, Cambridge University Press, 2007. ‘The Sociology of Risk and Gambling Reader’ ; selected readers, edited by James F. Cosgrave, Routledge, 2006. ‘Caro’s Book of Poker Tells, The Psychology And Body Language of Poker’ , Mike Caro, Cardoza Publishing, 2003. ‘The Economist’ December 22neodymium2007 – January 4Thursday2008 edition, chiefly pages 31 – 36. ‘Insider Secrets to playing Texas Hold’em Poker Online’ , Theo Cage, 2004, merely available as an online download. ‘Philosophy of Law’ , Jeffrie G. Murphy and Jules L. Coleman, Westview Press, 1990. ‘The Concept of Law’ , H.L.A. Hart, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 1994. The Texas Hold’em Dictionary. Action The sum of money wagered by a participant during a playing session. In fire hook, the placing of money into the pot. Active One who is still in the pot. Anchor The participant sitting in the last place at a fire hook tabular array before the trader. This is the individual who makes the concluding determination, thereby grounding the game. Ante A term normally used in fire hook to mention to the first money wagered on a manus, or the minimal sum that each participant is required to set into the pot before a new manus can get down. ( Besides see Blind Bet ) Backdoor Flowers: Even worse than the gutshot is the back door Flush. This is when you need two perfect cards of the same suit to complete your manus. ( Besides see ‘Gutshot’ ) Bankroll The entire sum of money a participant has for a gambling session. Belly Buster A draw to make full an interior heterosexual, besides known as a gutshot . Bet A bet or gamble. Beting Limits The lower limit and upper limit that can be wagered on one stake. Large Slick – A pocket manus of Ace-King, normally suited. Blind Bet A stake that certain fire hook participants are required to do as a consequence of their dissipated place. Bluff In fire hook, participants bluff when raising a weak manus in the hope of coercing out participants with a stronger manus. Bump To raise. Burn Card Any card placed in the discard rack without being entered into drama. After the deck is shuffled and cut, one card is burned. Chips Tokens used at bet oning tabular arraies in stead of hard currency. Chop To return the blinds to the participants who posted them and travel on to the following manus if cipher calls the blind. Cold A participant on a losing run Complete Hand A fire hook manus that is defined by all five cards. That is a consecutive, flush, consecutive flower, or a full house. Cut – When the trader divides the deck of cards into two parts and so inverts them after they have been shuffled. Dealer A casino employee who deals the assorted games. Drop Box On a gambling tabular array, the box that serves as a depository for hard currency, markers, and french friess. Edge The casino s advantage over the participant in any game. Besides known as house border. Face Cards The King, Queen or Jack of each suit. Flush A manus dwelling of five cards of one suit. Fold When a participant declines a stake and drops out of the manus. Four Of A Kind Four cards of the same rank. Besides known as quads. Full House A manus dwelling of a three of a sort and a brace. Gutshots A gutshot is a consecutive draw where merely one card makes your manus. Hand Refers to the cards that you hold, or to everything that happens in a card game between shufflings of the deck. Limp In- To come in the unit of ammunition by naming a stake, instead than raising. Maverick Get downing manus of Queen- Jack. Odds Ratio of chances or the sum a stake wage. Pair Any two cards that have the same rank. Generally, braces can be split and played as two custodies. Pass To non wager, to turn up. Pocket Rockets A brace of Ones in the hole. Pot The sum of money that accumulates in the center of the tabular array as each participant antes, stakes, and raises. The pot goes to the victor of the manus. Raise A participant raises by fiting the old stake and so wagering more, to increase the interest for staying participants. Rake The money that the casino charges for each manus of fire hook. It is normally a per centum ( 5-10 % ) or level fee that is taken from the pot after each unit of ammunition of betting. Rainbow Three of four cards of different suits. Rank The worth of a set of cards. Rounder A professional participant who makes the unit of ammunitions of the large fire hook games in the state. Royal Flush An Ace-high consecutive flower ; the best possible manus. Singleton A card that is the lone one of its rank. Smooth Call -To call, instead than raise, an opposition s stake. Steal To win the pot by bluffing. Straight In fire hook, a manus dwelling of five cards of back-to-back ranks. Straight Flush A manus dwelling of five cards of back-to-back ranks of the same suit. Tells A Tell in fire hook is when you pick up on the behaviour of another participant that gives you a strong sense of the strength or failing of their manus. Three Of A Kind Three cards of the same rank. Throwing a Party When several free or recreational participants are doing important pecuniary parts to the pot. Trips Three of a sort. Two Pair A manus dwelling of two sets of braces and a singleton. Under the Gun First to wager. Whale A high roller. Hand rankings in Texas Hold’em Poker. For the possibilities or ‘odds’ of acquiring these custodies please see figure 1 below. Royal Flush An Ace-High heterosexual of one suit. This is the best manus in Texas Hold’em, though your opportunities of acquiring this are Straight Flush A heterosexual of wholly one suit. Four-of-a-Kind ( Quads ) Four cards of the same rank. Full House ( Full Boat, Boat ) Three-of-a-kind and a brace. The illustration below would be called Queens over Aces or Queens full of Aces . Flush Five cards of the same suit. Straight ( Run ) Five cards of consecutive rank. Note that in Texas Hold’em, Aces can be high or low. An illustration of a consecutive where the Ace is low: Three-of-a-Kind ( Trips, Set ) – Three cards of the same rank. Two Pair – Two cards of the same rank and another two cards of the same rank. The illustration below would be called â€Å"Jacks and Twos† . One Pair – Two cards of the same rank. High Card – When you don’t have any of the above, your highest card determines your manus. The illustration below would be â€Å"King High† or â€Å"High card King† . Fig.1 Texas Hold’em Poker manus odds POKER HAND POSSIBLES ODDS Royal Flush 4.0000015391 Other Straight Flush 36.0000138517 Four of a sort 624.0002400960 Full House 3,744.0014405762 Flush 5,108.0019654015 Directly 10,200.0039246468 Three of a sort 54,912.0211284514 Two Pairs 123,552.0475390156 One Pair 1,098,240.4225690276 Nothing 1,302,540.5011773940 Entire 2,598,960 1.0000000000 Interesting Poker trifle. The four male monarchs used in today’s fire hook playing cards are really based on historical figures. King Of Spades= David, King of Israel King Of Clubs= Alexander the Great, King of Macedonia King Of Diamonds= Caesar Augustus, Emperor of Rome King Of Hearts= King Charlemagne, King of France. The playing card suits originated in France and are said to stand for the four categories of work forces. Spades peers aristocracy, Diamonds, merchandisers, Clubs, provincials, and Hearts the clergy. The 52 cards of the ordinary playing deck are said to typify the 52 hebdomads of the twelvemonth. It is besides thought that the 4 suits relate to the 4 seasons: Spades = Winter Clubs = Spring Hearts = Summer Diamonds = Autumn When Columbus landed on U.S. shores in 1492, his work forces took broad foliages from trees, marked them with images, and so played cards. You can non hold a heterosexual in fire hook without holding either a 5 or a 10 in your manus. Statisticss indicate that some 70 million standard decks of playing cards are sold every individual twelvemonth! President Richard Nixon was besides known for his fire hook wonts, utilizing a big amount of money that he won in a fire hook game to fund his first run for Congress! After winning a cool six expansive playing fire hook with his Navy equals ; Nixon won his manner into office with his large fire hook profitss. Richard Nixon was non the merely celebrated individual to be noted to play fire hook. Groucho Marx earned his name from his fire hook playing inclinations. Groucho Marx used to have on a grouch bag around his cervix all the clip. What was in that grouch bag? That’s right his fire hook money! John Mantagu, the Earl of Sandwich was besides a monolithic fire hook partisan. Mantagu venerated the game of fire hook, so much so that he would frequently prosecute in hours of gambling and would really decline to go forth the tabular arraies to eat. His solution? He would hold person serve him bread and meat. So, non merely do we hold the Earl of Sandwich to thank for our lunch period front-runners, but we besides owe the game of fire hook a testimonial for the sandwich.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Friction in sports

Friction in sports Free Online Research Papers The purpose of this lab report was to show that friction is involved in sport and can influence decisions on designing and buying footwear. The two experiments based around this report were on the coefficient of Friction and the angle of Friction. Both experiments were carried out in a laboratory at the University of Sunderland. Students from the University undertook the experiments and discovered that the best type of footwear to use for frictional purposes are trainers with thick tread wear on the sole of the shoe. The most frictional type of shoe used was the Adidas Barricade having a coefficient of friction of 0.78. In the second experiment metal was determined to have the highest coefficient of friction out of the surfaces the report used. It showed that metal had a coefficient of friction of 0.84, with the lowest being rubber reporting a score of 0.6. Introduction Runners who want to buy a new pair of shoes, footballers who want to have the best football boots to ice skaters who need new ice skates, all have one thing in common. They are seeking a shoe made specifically for them, whether it is to maximise friction or minimise it entirely the choice is based around it. What is friction though? Friction is a force acting parallel to the interface of two surfaces that are in contact during the motion or impending motion of one surface as it moves against another (Hamill 2003). Isaac Newton came up with his first law of motion based around friction. â€Å"In the absence of external forces, motion in a straight line and at constant speed continues indefinitely†. For instance when you slide a hockey puck down the ice it will travel on for so long until eventually slowing down and coming to a stop. Newton realised that the only force stopping the puck sliding down the ice was friction in-between the ice and the puck. But if the ice was so smo oth and had no friction at all then the puck would be able to travel down the ice until another force was able to stop it (Stern 2004). Which is why with sports performers having the correct footwear on is vital and even the correct hand wear. Which is why in javelin equipment is very important. They need enough friction on their hands to grip the javelin but also to allow it to release smoothly into the air. As well as their footwear, if the shoes they have on will not allow the athlete to stop immediately, then they are either going to injure themselves or go straight past the line and have a foul given for the throw. Friction is also involved in our bodies. When running, jumping, throwing, walking parts of our anatomy inside are rubbing against one another. Which is why the body has been designed for such forces. Hyaline cartilage is formed around bones which provides a springy pad that absorbs compression at joints (Marieb 2007). Without this then bones will rub vigorously together which will cause pain at the joint and wear down the bone. But not everywhere can stop friction becoming a nuisance. A common injury occurs with runners or cyclists called Iliotibial band friction syndrome. This is when the iliotibial band passes over the lateral femoral epicondyle continuously over a given amount of time. It is caused when the knee is continually flexed of a greater angle of 30 degrees or more, where the iliotibial band crosses over and forces itself on the epicondyle (Ellis 2007). This then causes pain and can result in surgery being needed for it to be healed. A major area where friction is always thought about is in the work place. Where slips and falls are one of the most common places to happen (Way Li 2007). This is why having the correct footwear on will help to minimise the risks of falling, and is even more important when surfaces become wet and reduce the friction to a small sum (Hammil 2003). When stepping on a wet floor, a shoe sole cannot touch the floor surface without squeezing the liquid out of the contact area. The liquid between the floor and the shoe separates the two contact surfaces and reduces the friction between them. If the correct footwear is not in force then injuries are bound to happen. This then results in what type of shoe to have and what type of tread that shoe needs when working in a practical workplace. One of the topics talked about in this report will be about the coefficient of friction. The coefficient of friction is a major factor when deciding on what footwear to have.It is the ratio of a force between two bodies and an external force pressing them together (Hamill 2003). The lower the coefficient of friction, the less friction there is between the two surfaces. This is all down to what type of surfaces are in contact with each other. Which is what one of the experiments that will be discussed in this article. Another experiment that will be talked upon is the angle of friciton. This is when fricitonal properties can be measured by, calculating how long the horizontal force and the maximum angle can be before an object starts to slide. The angle of friction is useful to determine which type of shoes can keep itself planted on an object. This is all down to the type of tread that is desgined on the shoe and how it is made onto it. But wanting to overcome friction a lot of energ y is lost in the form of heat, and causes the shoes to wear down over time. So having brand new shoes would be best to decide what shoe will have the best angle of friction. Methodology There were two different experiments that took place. The first of those was the Coefficient of Friction: Equipment used : Pasco Xplorer Any type of shoe Surface Materials – Melamine Table, Wood, Metal, Rubber, Carpet Scales Calculator Weigh the shoe you are testing on the scales and have the weight in newtons. Reset the Pasco Xplorer and attach it to the shoe, either at the shoe laces or on Velcro strap. Place it on one of the given materials and slowly pull the shoe in a horizontal direction. As soon as the shoe starts to move stop and look at the given value shown on the Pasco Xplorer. This value is the Horizontal force, which is measured again in newtons (N) Once the horizontal force and the weight of the shoe have been calculated, the coefficient of friction ( µ) can be worked out. This is done by dividing the horizontal force (Ff) by the shoe weight (N). Which is Ff/N =  µ. Record all data down into a simple table format. The next experiment is the angle of friction: Equipment used : Metal Slide Angle Indicator attached to metal slide Various different types of shoes Scientific Calculator Have all shoes lined up on the metal slide, pointing in the same direction and all levelled up. Slowly lift the slide upwards at the same end the shoes are on. Make sure to keep a close eye on the angel indicator at the bottom of the metal slide. Once one shoe starts to slide make a note of the angle and record it down. When all shoes have slid off the metal slide the experiment is over and the shoe that stayed on the longest, has he best angle of friction. Complete two more times to get an average score of all the data. To work out the coefficient of friction the formula is in tan? =  µ. E,g. if the average value is 40 degrees then an40 = 8.39. Results Angle of Friction. Make of Shoe Type of Shoe Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Coefficient of Friction Adidas Barricade Running 40 37 37 38 0.78 Nike air Force 1 Basketball 25 30 37 30.6 0.59 Nike Sixton Plimsole 20 20 23 21 0.38 Nike Tennis Classic Tennis 30 35 30 31.6 0.61 Asics Gel Radiance Running 30 25 40 31.6 0.61 The table shows the angle of friction results. With the highest coefficient of friction score recored was the Adidas Barricade with 0.78. The lowest score recorded was 0.38 which was achieved by the Nike Sixton. The highest angle achievd by anyone shoe was 40 and achieved by Adidas Barricade and the Asics Gel Radiance. Appendix 1 Here is a graph to show the differences of all the different makes of shoes up against each other. As you can see the Adidas Barricade has by far the greatest coefficient of friction. Appendix 2 Surface Shoe Weight (N) Horizontal Force (N) Coefficient of Friction Melamine Table 2.84 2.26 0.79 Wood 2.84 1.97 0.69 Metal 2.84 2.41 0.84 Rubber 2.84 1.72 0.6 Carpet 2.84 2.38 0.83 The table shows the force needed to pull the trainer across the desired surface. There were 5 surfaces used. The surface that needed the most force for an object to be pulled across it was metal. Gaining a horizontal force of 2.41 which converted into a coefficient of friction to 0.84. Here is a simple bar chart of the coefficient of friction scores. As seen metal and carpet were very close with scores of 0.84 and 0.83. The lowest being rubber with a score of 0.6. Discussion Looking at appendix 2, it shows the coefficient of friction (COF) for all different types of surfaces using the same object. With all having different values of the COF, this states the obvious, yet important point that COF depends on the nature of the surface involved. It might be argued though that the results given here are not relevant to everyday life because of the practical situation. Seeing how nobody was in the shoes to generate any real weight, then the COF could be entirely different, but it does give a clear view on what surfaces do have a high or low COF. Limiting friction is also involved in this experiment. Limiting friction is the point at which an object will eventually move if being pulled by an external force (Hay 1987). The limiting friction does depend on which two surfaces are in contact with each other and this is summarised by the law of friction: For two dry surfaces, the limiting friction is equal to the product of the force holding the surfaces together â⠂¬â€œ the so called normal reaction – and a constant that depends on the nature of the surfaces (Hay 1987). This law is only correct then if the surfaces are dry. If the surfaces are then wet limiting friction is reduced. For example if a cars brakes are to become wet by rain, then it takes longer for the car to stop than if it were dry. This is why increasing the distance from the car in front is vital as, your vehicle cannot respond as well. In appendix 2 it shows that the horizontal force is greater when being pulled along on a metal surface. Recording a 2.41 Horizontal pulling force. Indicating that metal is the best surface that can hold an object onto it. But surprisingly rubber only recorded a horizontal pulling force of 1.72, which was the lowest out of all the surfaces. Persson and Volokitin (2002) state that rubber can in fact have a greater COF of more than 1. Where the results show in appendix 2 that it has only recorded a score of 0.6. With the highest being meta l at 0.84. With rubber being so low then it could be argued that the way the experiment was undertaken was wrong or not accurate. One major problem would be the horizontal pulling force. It is very difficult to pull an object only horizontally and not by pulling it in any other direction i.e. vertically. This could easily effect the results when an individual is pulling the pasco xplorer. If they only pull horizontally then it is only the horizontal force. But if you have a slight angle going up or down the horizontal force is not horizontal no more. There could be a vertical pulling force on a downward force acting on the shoe. Which will make the results inaccurate. It is very difficult to overcome this though as trying to pull an object exactly at 180 degrees so human error will always occur. Looking at appendix 1, the angle of friction results came out with the Adidas Barricade shoe having the highest COF. While the Nike Sixton shoe had the lowest. This is mainly due to the shoes sole design and what type of tread it has. Way Li (2007) states that having tread grooves 9mm thick will result in added COF and will also aid in the shoe being able to â€Å"stick† to floor better. Which when looking at the tread of the Adidas Barricade the shoe tread was very thick compared to the Nike Sixton, which had very limited tread wear on it. Resulting in the Adidas Barricade being able to have a higher angle of friction. But Way Li (2007) also suggests that it is not the depth of the tread but more of the width. Which indicates that the Nike sixton had very little depth for tread and also very little width. Whereas the Adida Barricade had big wide treads to help it maintain the friction for longer. This is a very good point though as you could see with the Nike Air Force ones h ad a very deep tread but did not have the width as much as the Adidas Barricade. This designing will be down to the sport that the shoes are made for. When looking at all of the shoes in appendix 1 and what sport each shoe was specifically made for, it became clear than running shoes had a high COF. But with this could all be coincidence as the other sport involved were tennis and basketball. The one negative factor in this test though, was how long the shoes have been used and how often. Because as said earlier the more you try and maximise friction the more energy is lost in it and results in the shoe being worn down in parts. When looking at Asics Gel Radiance, this had thicker tread wear but had been worn out around the edges. Which could be said that the more you use your shoe the less it can resist friction. As the Adidas Barricade was only purchased recently it has not been susceptible to such forces acting on it for a long period of time. Other problems did occur in the experiment e.g. when lifting the metal board up on occasions it was lifted more rapidly than other times which could of caused the shoes to jerk, which resulted in momentum taking the shoe down to the bottom. As you can see in appendix 1, the results do fluctuate often. With the Nike Air Force Ones, it begins with an angle of 25 and on the last run has a finishing angle of 37. Which is very well s pread out. A way to reduce this would be to have a machine to be lifting the board up at a desired speed, very gradually with the speed staying constant. So in conclusion the results showed that the best type of shoe to have is a shoe with thick wide tread grip on the sole. This can be mainly found with running type trainers which can be purchased in any specialist running shop. As well as having thick tread it is best to keep the shoes in good condition. As the more you use them the more the tread and grip wears down. It is stated on The Runners Guide that running trainers will last approximately last up to 300 miles. So it does take a lot for them to be fully worn out. As well as with the trainers, this study also proved that metal has the highest COF of 0.84 with the lowest being rubber of 0.6. References Ellis 2007 Ellis, R. Hing, W. Reid, D. (2007). Iliotibial band friction syndrome. Manual Therapy. 12 (4). Hammil 2003 Hammil, J. Knutzen, K. M (2003). Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Hay 1987 Hay, J. G. Reid, J. G. (1987). Anatomy Mechanics and Human Motion. 2nd ed.New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Marieb 2007 -Marieb, E. N. Hoehn, K (2007). Human Anatomy and Physiology. 7th ed. San Francisco: Pearson Education, Inc. Persson and Volokitin (2002) -Persson, B. N. Volokitin, J. A. I.. (2002). Theory of rubber friction: Nonstationary sliding. The American Physical Society . 65 (13). Stern 2004 Stern, D. P. (2004). Newtons Laws of Motion. Available: Last accessed 07 May 2010. The Runners Guide Hopple, J. (2008). How Long Running Shoes Last. Available: Last accessed 07 May 2010. Way Li 2007 Way Li, K. Wu, H. H. Lin, Y. C. (2007). The effect of shoe sole tread groove depth on the friction coefficient with different tread groove widths, floors and contaminants . Applied Ergonomics. 37 (6), 743-748. Research Papers on Friction in sportsTrailblazing by Eric AndersonDefinition of Export QuotasEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenResearch Process Part OneThe Hockey GameThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationGenetic EngineeringMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product